Saturday, January 3, 2009

A Little De-Motivation

Lazy - Just Cause You Have To Don’t Mean You Need Too Demotivational Poster

Hope everyone had an awesome 2008 and I wish you all have an even better year in 09.

Okay, rant time....again. But this time, its about myself and im sure a lot other people as well. I don't know if laziness is a condition that only certain people get or if everyone has it, just varying degrees. Whatever the case (I'm too lazy to research), i can certainly diagnose myself with a pretty bad case of laziness.

I've had 2 weeks off for Christmas break and I start school this comming Monday. I have 2 big papers due on that day and I havn't started at all. Each day, I keep on telling myself that I will definitely start tommorow, and each day, i manage not to. Well, I definitely have to start now since its my last day tommorow. I am really regretting not doing the papers over the span of the 2 weeks, but its what i get for being lazy and procrastinating.

One of my biggest vices is procrastination. Combined with apathy, short attention span, and sheer laziness this is very harmful. Particularly in the school aspect of life. I've always been able to put things off till the last minute and manage to pull it off decently, but lately, its been getting worse, especially when I'm on an extended break. I work really well under pressure, but when im not, it would take a miracle for me to start something. Now, lets make it clear before you make the wrong assumption, I'm only like this towards things I don't like. However, many of these things are important, such as school-related stuff, obviously.

I guess I just have a hard time finding the motivation and inspiration to start something that i dont particularly like.

How do you all get over the procrastination and laziness?

"Half the battle is knowing when to start"
I dont know who said it, but he/she hit the bulls-eye.

This is probably not something I should start out the new year with, and it may seem that all I do is rant, but its something that I intend to conquer. Like I said in a previous post, I will start to do things differently and see what another side of life has to offer this year, but that has to start with myself.

Anyways, just food for thought for those who share my pain.

Btw, Gene, does the music play properly, if at all, when you read my articles?