Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Byōsoku 5 Senchimētoru

Went to Best Buy today to pick up a new hard drive and guess what i found, a copy of one of my favorite anime movie ever, 5 Centimeters Per Second. Directed by Makoto Shinkai, its about 2 friends who struggle to remain in contact as they gradually move farther and farther apart. Saw this movie online a few months ago, but never managed to find a copy of the dvd. I heard that ADV Films, the company that liscensed the title, discontinued the production of the movie, so that was the reason why i couldnt locate one.

Anyways, I recommend anyone who hasnt seen this movie to watch it ASAP. You will not be disappointed. The ending is sad though, but thats part of what makes the film so great. Its rather short, but i guarantee it will change the way you look at your friends and the ones you care about.


Gene Roth said...

sounds like a sik movie and im definetly gona check it out sometime soon. this comment is short compaired 2 the last one a min ago.

gsquared said...

yea, do that.

my comments short compared to my last one as well, lol